
Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Vaomiera | Why not?

Why did I name myself Vaomiera?
Um... First it sounds good to my ears. Very short. Very gasy. Not very fun like "lovedamour" or "meandmmyselfforever". Neither "gossbofrommahamasina". Neither "GasysupaPowa".
I used to chat a lot on Caramail. There was a former room dedicated to Madagascar and Malagasy people.
As I was looking for a suitable nickname, I remembered old story I lived when I was in Mada.
My parents told me to participate a little bit more on sports business. I did that and I became a good member of the local football team.
It happened during public meeting, which was held every 2 or 3 months. Everyone in the municipality was invited to express himself about various subjects like: sport, water and electricity distribution, food distribution, fairs and so on.
The meeting was lead by the president of the municipality who, I remember, tried hard to dominate the fool...
I was asked to report financial activities of the team. As I was doing my first little speech, someone said:"Ahoana koa ity vaomieran'ny fitantanana tanora kely ity? Sao dia tsy mahatam-bola ileio?"
("He's really the one who can manage our finance? He's too young for that!")
But everything was OK and, from this time, my old friends used to call me: "Vaomiera".
I'd like to tell you that this really happened but this did not.
Vaomiera only means "member". I am a sort of a member longing to share my opinions to make things better, or at least to make them less chaotic. I"m trying.


At 10:51 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

vaomiera is a cool name! doesn't it also mean "committee"?

At 12:51 AM, Blogger Vaomiera said...

I'd rather say:"committee member".
But I think we all know what I really mean.


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